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  • Writer's pictureJuliet Henry Pitter

13 Ways Parents Can Be Empowered in Supporting Kids in Virtual Education

Updated: Jun 28, 2021

As parents, we are facing an uncomfortable and untimely truth. In spite of the technological advances that we have seen over the last few decades, that have moved nearly everything online, K-12 has been one area that has remained firmly entrenched in the old traditional models of teaching and learning. And it was perfect! As we lead our busy professional lives, we did not have to get too granularly involved. Besides getting them up, getting them to and from school, and making sure they did their homework, there was very little else we needed to do. Now its a much different ball game. We are now having to do everything at home, sometimes with multiple children, that teachers were always doing while our kids were entrusted in their care. How can we parents be more empowered to help our children to successfully make the transition forced on us by COVID-19?

Here are some effective ways we can support our children:

1. Make sure our kids are well-rested and focused on the task at hand providing or making sure they take breaks as needed throughout the day.

2. Ensure they are logged in to the correct website platform or assignment for their learning.

3. Set the stage for them to work in a quiet, stress, and distraction-free area of your home, with all the needed supplies.

4. Be inquisitive. Check on them periodically.

5. Work with them to inspire ideas and creativity.

6. Encourage them to do their best and use the strategies that they have been taught by their teachers

7. Clarify expectations and directions both before, during, and after an activity. (Email the teacher if you are not sure)

8. Motivate your child to do their best!

9. Focus on the effort rather than the outcome.

10. Praise the effort and perseverance.

11. Celebrate every success

12. Remain Positive.

13. Partner and communicate with your child/ren’s teacher/s.

Continue to be your students’ biggest fan by supporting them during virtual learning. Remember that these experiences shape their future attitude.

Yes, COVID-19 has thrown us for a loop, but our kids need our support and encouragement, now more than ever. Let us be empowered, to support them through this, after all, even after this pandemic has passed, online education will likely remain a part of all our lives. Let us make the best we can of it. They mirror our attitudes, hence, why not make it as positive as we can.


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