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  • Writer's pictureJuliet Henry Pitter

Fitting the Pieces of My Own Learning Together

Updated: Jul 2, 2021

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I compare my initial opinions about the way in which I best learn then and now. Having greater knowledge, I realize that learning for each individual can be multi-faceted with a kaleidoscope of theoretical influences. In self-assessment, I consider myself to be a visual learner, that I learn by seeing, observing, and doing while understanding the rationale behind each of the steps in the process and equating or relating it to some existing familiar experience or concept. This most closely aligns with the Constructivism theory that states that learning is creating meaning from experience.

If I were to break down my own learning, I begin each period of instruction first with an attempt to look at the material I am learning, for example, I am about to engage with a new webinar platform where I am the first presenter for post-admitted students. I carefully consider what is the best way for me to assimilate these new steps so I can learn the software. From a cognitive theoretical standpoint, I consider what correct strategy I need to use to make sure that I learn this thoroughly. As I apply myself to learning it “on purpose” I have to write steps down. When I write something out in its steps, I retain it better than merely reading it. As I apply the best strategy for assimilating the steps, I need to recall my prior experience as an online presenter, to add clarity to this new model. Constructivists argue that behavior is situationally determined.

It is critical that learning occurs in realistic settings and that the selected learning task be relevant to the students’ lived experience.” (Ertmer & Newby,1993) I ask myself here, what if I had not lived this experience before and therefore have nothing to relate it to? This is where again I will reiterate the multi-faceted nature of learning. I will need to add connectivism and social constructivism. While I still feel as if I learn best in this way, learning is deepened when I also have an opportunity to learn from more knowledgeable others and add that to my past experiences as well as my strategy of writing it down.

Individuals create meaning through their synergy with each other and with the environmental context in which they live and communicate and exist (Vygotsky, 1978). This no more true than in our world today as we transition to online learning and try to simulate the structure of the classroom in a variety of home environments. In social learning where motivation affects the transfer of information and there is a need for a supportive environment, I have identified another factor necessary for my own success in learning this new software. I have the current presenters to draw from and they are supportive of the goals of the project I am doing. This helps tremendously because it puts me in the right mindset for learning to occur. Motivation is also another factor because although I am having to take on this learning at this time in my life when I have so much else going on, I really want to see this initiative come to life, so I am motivated to do what it takes to learn and begin to present this.

Technology plays a significant role in my learning because as a social constructivist adult learner I need to draw on the resources of the internet such as videos, blogs, and scholarly research to expand my knowledge on the subject matter I am learning. I also find great value in online discussions with peers to further develop my outlook and knowledge on a subject.

I guess one could say I am a rainbow learner. Multi-theoretical in nature.



Vygotsky, Lev (1978). Mind in Society. London: Harvard University Press.

Ertmer, P. A. ., & Newby, T. J. . (2013). Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism: Comparing Critical Features From an Instructional Design Perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 26(2), 43–71.

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