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  • Writer's pictureJuliet Henry Pitter

Student Self-Regulated Learning Phase 1 – Hello Forethought!

Updated: Sep 8, 2021

It's time for forethought, that phase of self-regulation where we set the intention, and plan for what's to come, so we can begin, continue, or try again to take the steps toward passing grades. It may be the beginning of a new academic year, a new term, or even a new school. It may be your second or even third attempt to pass a required course. Irrespective, forethought is the preparatory phase where we lay the groundwork to pass the course/s that we are about to embark on.

The most significant benefit gained by enacting and acting in the forethought phase is that students who take the time and do it right will have laid out a roadmap to get through the course week to week. Time will be allotted for all the other essential obligations and recreational pursuits needed to live a balanced life. It helps tremendously minimize the stress associated with late or missed assignments, playing catch up, and possibly risking a failing grade.

There is no worse feeling for a student who really wants to do well than feeling out of control of your studies or life. If we're going to live a life of our own design that includes time for education, then it is vital to integrate life and school intentionally. High achieving parents who want their child/ren to do well academically while growing and excelling in a sport or other extracurricular activity must also engage in forethought planning and activities with their child/ren. Whether you are the student or the parent of the student, Here are the most important steps involved in the forethought phase of self-regulated learning:

1. Task Analysis and Goal Setting

· At the outset of the course, set goals, tasks, and sub-tasks for your assignments.

· Create a task or to-do list that includes course-related and personal goals and priorities for the entire course or the week.

2. Strategic planning - School/Life Balance

· Using a personal scheduler, such as a calendar or other time planning and scheduling app to record deadlines and set reminders for tasks and sub-tasks. This makes for on-time submission of assignments, and meeting other course-related deadlines

· Creating or establishing a personal workspace, free of distractions for doing anything related to your academics.

· Scheduling and setting do not disturb notifications on your messaging apps and social media

3. Self Motivation Beliefs

· Having a personal drive to succeed in life.

· Being committed to personal and educational goals.

· Possessing a growth mindset, thus being confident in one's ability to succeed in any course.

· Desire to exceed learning expectations in this course.

· Being prepared to push a little harder if needed to overcome obstacles.

With these critical first steps in place, the stage is essentially set. Now it's about following the plan as you have established. Preparation is everything. Knowing what is expected of you in any course is empowerment. Put a smile on your face. You've got this, and you're in control; you will succeed!

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